Our Work

Fuerza del Valle is based on a collaborative model of organizing and building power. Workers and their daily experiences are at the center of everything we do.

We hold weekly know-your-rights clinics to empower workers to stand up for their rights on issues like wage theft, safety issues, unjust firings, and employer abuse.

The majority of the people we work with are first and second-generation Mexican and Central American migrants working in the agriculture, adult day care, construction, restaurant, and domestic service industries.

As we help workers exercise their individual rights we never lose sight of the bigger picture. We hold regular worker committee meetings to develop tactics, strategies, and campaigns to change the policies at the root of labor exploitation.

Our wage theft, domestic worker rights, and statewide construction industry campaigns were chosen in response to urgent community needs.

Fuerza is also engaged in public education, coalition building, and advocacy to influence state and federal labor policies.

We push for worker rights and comprehensive immigration reform at the same time because these issues are inseparable for the majority of workers in the Rio Grande Valley.